Queer Power Alliance advocates for economic, social and political justice for the LGBTQIA+ community. In addition to our resource list, we also provide workshops on  worker and renter rights. Visit our events page for upcoming workshops and events. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at info@queerpower.org if you need further assistance navigating these resources, or have your own resources to suggest.

  • STANCE: Seattle Trans and Nonbinary Choral Ensemble

    “Provides a vocal space free of gendered expectations, by and for Transgender and Nonbinary singers, to explore and express themselves through music.”

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

    “The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and related conditions, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.”

    Seattle Office for Civil Rights

    “The Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR) works to advance civil rights and end barriers to equity. They enforce laws against illegal discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and contracting within Seattle city limits. They also lead the Race and Social Justice Initiative, a citywide effort to end institutional racism in City government and to achieve racial equity across our community. “

  • Consejo Counseling

    “Their bilingual, advocacy-based counseling helps survivors overcome barriers that keep them from achieving their safety and recovery.”

    Dawn Rising

    “Supports, empowers and shelters survivors of domestic abuse in South King County and helps to keep us all safe by educating our community to respond to and prevent violence.”


    “WSCADV is the leading voice to end domestic violence in Washington State. We improve how communities respond to domestic violence and are working to create a world where all people can live and love without fear.”

    New Beginnings

    “New Beginnings empowers survivors and mobilizes community awareness and action to end domestic violence.”

  • Utility Discount Program

    “The City of Seattle can help people who are struggling to pay their electricity and utilities bills. Eligible households can enroll in the City of Seattle’s Utility Discount Program (UDP), which offers a 60% discount on Seattle City Light bills and a 50% discount on Seattle Public Utilities bills. “

    Trans Lifeline Microgrants

    “Microgrants provide trans and nonbinary people with low-barrier funds and support to correct names and/or gender markers on identifying legal documents, supply necessities for our trans siblings behind bars and after being incarcerated, and for gender affirming hair removal.”

    Office of Economic Development

    “The Office of Economic Development (OED) is committed to an building an inclusive economy in the City of Seattle. OED works at all levels of our local economy to support small and micro-businesses, partner with neighborhood business districts, support creative business sectors and workers, partner with key industries that drive innovation, job growth and global competitiveness, and invest in our local workforce with an emphasis on young people, low-income, as well as un-and under-employed adults .”

  • Urban Rest Stop

    “The Urban Rest Stop is a clean, safe and welcoming hygiene facility where unsheltered individuals and families can access running water and utilize restroom, shower and laundry services.”

    New Horizons

    “Since 1978, New Horizons and our community have chosen to see unhoused young people as our community’s most cherished assets; full of beauty, worth, and dignity. Together we work to end homelessness one young person at a time!”

    Seattle Homeless Outreach

    “Seattle Homeless Outreach (SHO) seeks to meet our clients where they are, without expectation or judgment, and provide basic survival supplies including food, water, sleeping bags, tents, clothing, and bus tickets. But more importantly, we provide a human connection to our homeless neighbors. SHO builds relationships with our homeless neighbors and with social service providers in the Seattle area so that we can connect people with services they need.”


    “The Mission Of Be:Seattle Is To Build The Power And Leadership Of Renters And People Experiencing Homelessness To Fight Displacement And Increase Access To Housing In Seattle That Is Affordable For All.”

  • The Northwest Immigrant Rights Project

    Northwest Immigrant Rights Project promotes justice by defending and advancing the rights of immigrants through direct legal services, systemic advocacy, and community education.

    El Centro de la Raza

    “As an organization grounded in the Latino community of Washington State, it is the mission of El Centro de la Raza (The Center for People of All Races) to build the Beloved Community through unifying all racial and economic sectors; to organize, empower, and defend the basic human rights of our most vulnerable and marginalized populations; and to bring critical consciousness, justice, dignity, and equity to all the peoples of the world. “


    Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA) is an award-winning, nationally recognized nonprofit that provides holistic services to help refugee and immigrant women and families thrive.

    Catholic Immigration Legal Services

    “Catholic Immigration Legal Services (CILS) provides quality legal immigration assistance to low-income residents of Washington. Currently, CILS provides free citizenship/N-400 application assistance to people who are currently receiving public benefits or living in the city of Seattle. All other immigration legal services are provided for a small fee.”

    Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs

    “If you are in need of immigration legal services and cannot pay for them, the Seattle Legal Defense Network may be able to help.”

    Colectiva Legal

    “Colectiva Legal del Pueblo is a non-hierarchal collective organization founded for and by undocumented immigrants working to build community leadership and power for migrant justice through legal advocacy and education.”

    Refugees Northwest

    “Refugees Northwest believes that every person forced to flee war, persecution and terror can heal, thrive, and enrich our community with their unique gifts and strengths. We work with thousands of refugees and asylum-seekers each year to build upon the strength and courage that got them here, and to support their hopes and dreams. Our programs include trauma-focused mental health support, torture treatment, unaccompanied minor foster care, asylum assistance, complex medical case management, and a variety of community programs that help develop new skills, gain citizenship, and build fulfilling connections.”

  • Northwest Justice Project

    “Northwest Justice Project (NJP) is Washington’s largest publicly funded legal aid program. Each year NJP provides critical civil legal assistance and representation to thousands of low-income people in cases affecting basic human needs such as family safety and security, housing preservation, protection of income, access to health care, education and other basic needs.”

    The QLaw Foundation of Washington

    “The QLaw Foundation of Washington promotes the dignity and respect of LGBTQ2S+ Washingtonians within the legal system through advocacy, education, and legal assistance. “

    QLaw Association

    “QLaw Association is an association of LGBTQ+ legal professionals and their friends. Serving as a voice of LGBTQ+ lawyers and other legal professionals in the State of Washington on issues relating to diversity and equality in the legal profession, in the courts, and under the law.”

  • Item description
  • LGBTQ+ College Student Guide

    Written by: Intelligent.com Higher Education Team.

    LGBTQ College Student Resource Guide